Holiday Savings: The Season of Giving Doesn’t Have to Be the Season of Spending

Here are Branches Productivity’s 10 best holiday savings tips and getting the most out of your celebrations while taking the least out of your wallet.

  1. Cocoa and caroling instead of cocktails and canapes. Change up your annual holiday party with a low-stress, low-cost event. Make a grown-up hot cocoa bar with marshmallows, peppermint candies and some seasonal liquors. And print out all the lyrics to your favorite holiday albums for a fun singalong if you don’t want to go door-to-door.
  2. Shop from a list — and with a budget. It’s fun to think about all the people you love and the gifts you’d like to give them. Spend some time making a list that includes each person you plan to give gifts to and one or two ideas that are perfect for them — and for your wallet. Bring the list on your shopping trip or have it next to you while you purchase online to avoid impulsive spending.
  3. Write a love letter instead of buying a present. Give the gift of your heart with a handwritten note on beautiful paper that expresses your love for the important people in your life. Include some candy canes or a sprig of mistletoe to make it special.
  4. Organize a holiday potluck. Big holiday meals can be really expensive. But if everyone brings a dish, no one has to foot the bill alone. Plan a menu of appetizers, mains, sides and desserts, and have friends sign up for what they want to bring.
  5. Make personalized coupons for family and friends to redeem all year. Whether it’s two hours of raking leaves or baking an apple pie, spread out the love all year long.
  6. Enjoy free seasonal activities. Ice skating in the park, taking a drive to see holiday lights or strolling through town to admire window decorations are all fun things you and your family can do to get in the holiday spirit.
  7. Regift from your bookshelf. Give the gift of one of your favorite reads with an inscription on the inside cover about why you loved this book and why you’ve chosen to give it. Make it even more special with a personalized bookmark — use old photos and some ribbon for something simple and meaningful.
  8. Give the gift of time. Make a difference in someone else’s life (and holiday) by volunteering somewhere in your community. Get the entire family involved and decide that this year, instead of giving gifts to each other, you’ll give back to someone else.
  9. Cheaper by the Instead of turning your house into a bakery to make treats for all your friends, host a holiday cookie exchange. Get a group of friends to each bake their favorite cookie recipe, and then meet at your house to share cookies, recipes and holiday savings over a cup of coffee — or a glass of wine!
  10. Cherish what costs the least and means the Sometimes we get so caught up in the presents, the meals and the activities that we forget the holidays are about connecting with the people we love in real time. It’s a better gift than anything money can buy.

Bonus tip: Declutter and sell your castoffs online or at a garage sale and use the proceed to offset your holiday expenses.

Embrace holiday savings — no one will feel let down if your holiday gift is simply the time you spend together or a heartfelt gesture that involves little to no money. A budget-friendly holiday can be just as memorable as an extravagant one — and help put you on better financial footing for the new year.
