Job Interview Tips to Help Land Your Next Job

It’s a fantastic opportunity, with a pay bump, a leadership role and some awesome perks — and you want it … badly. Whether it’s with a new company or to advance where you already work, preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task. Here are job interview tips to help improve your chances of landing your next job.

Financial Literacy Is a Stepping Stone on the Path to Financial Wellness

Financial literacy is necessary, but not sufficient, for financial wellness. To achieve financial health, knowledge must translate to action.

Branded PPC Campaigns Light the Way for Your Customers

Tap into inherent customer interest in branded traffic by deploying branded PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns to light the way for consumers, boost ROI and deliver a host of other benefits.

Why Everyone Should Create a Personal Brand

Developing a personal brand can offer immense value, even if you have no aspirations of becoming a digital celebrity. Here’s what creating a personal brand can do for you — and how to start.

How to Find Greater Happiness … at Work

The Harvard Study of Human Development has been collecting data since 1938. And this ongoing, longitudinal study on human happiness (the longest ever run) says the most important factor to living a good life is … good relationships. So if you’re not investing in your work relationships, whether with colleagues or clients, in addition to […]

Managing AI Anxiety

Are AI doom and gloom predictions, getting you down? Here are ways to fight back.

Does Your Brand Need Therapy? Psychodynamic Marketing Can Help

As with people, sometime a brand’s personality can be out of balance, with certain aspects either underdeveloped or exerting outsized influences. And when that happens, psychodynamic marketing can help.

The Hidden World of Financial Fees: Learn How to Be a Ferocious Fee Fighter

Embrace your inner fee-fighting warrior and take your stand against the myriad fees that could be lurking in every corner of your financial life. By diligently hunting for hidden costs in investments, credit, banking, and beyond, you can protect your hard-earned wealth and a more financially secure future.

Freelancer Focus: 7 Strategies for a More Productive Daily Writing Habit

Blogs, fan fiction, journaling or marketing reports. Whatever your need or desire to put pen to paper, learn how you can banish writers block with these data-driven do’s and dont’s for your daily writing habit.

Are You Quiet Quitting Your Life?

There’s a lot of debate over quiet quitting in the workaday world — whether it’s a good idea or even justified in any given circumstance. But the only one that clearly loses out when you settle for “meh” on a regular basis is you.