5 Easy Tips to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint and Save Money

Making simple changes to your everyday routine can not only help decrease your carbon footprint but also save you money? Here are seven easy tips to help you go green and save some green too!

Meet Your Free Virtual Assistant — ChatGPT

Here’s an introduction to your new productivity dream team courtesy of generative AI. And the best news is that all this personalized help doesn’t have to cost you a single penny.

Relationships, Health, Work, Money: Achieving Life Balance

There’s a reason why we use the expression “sort things out” to describe the first step in solving a problem. Learn how to sort out all the different parts of your life so you can divide and conquer.

Are You Ghosting Your Dining Room? Here Are Ways to Repurpose This Valuable Space

Ditch your dedicated dining room for a space you’ll use every single day. Whether you’re mad for meditation, crazy for cocktails or raring to read — here are 5 creative ways to transform an underutilized space into one that serves your life.

Hack Your Routines to Health, Happiness and Financial Wellness

Your routines — what you do every day and week — can make or break your productivity. Learn how to use the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, how’s and why’s of routines to make yours as effective as possible.

Financial Resolutions and How to Make Them Stick

Achieving a New Year’s financial resolution means sticking with it, but don’t beat yourself up if you stumble. Persistence comes from acknowledging mistakes and bouncing back.

Holiday Savings: The Season of Giving Doesn’t Have to Be the Season of Spending

It’s easy to overspend during the holidays — both our money and our emotional reserves. But don’t let the season exhaust your savings or your well-being. Here are 10 tips to get the most out of your holiday while taking the least out of your wallet.

Inflation and Interest Rates Are Up — Here Are 7 Financial Moves to Consider

Combat the inflationary crunch with several tips aimed at stretching your hard-earned dollars.

10 Ways to Fight Financial Anxiety

More than one in three employees earning at least $100,000 per year live paycheck to paycheck, according to one study — and more than 75% of Americans suffer from financial anxiety. Here are 10 things you can do to help regain financial peace of mind.

Are You Recession Resistant?

Are you doing what you can to make yourself recession resistant? You don’t have to take a recession sitting down — there are things you can do to make yourself more resilient in the face of an economic downturn.