How to Find Greater Happiness … at Work

The Harvard Study of Human Development has been collecting data since 1938. And this ongoing, longitudinal study on human happiness (the longest ever run) says the most important factor to living a good life is … good relationships. So if you’re not investing in your work relationships, whether with colleagues or clients, in addition to […]

A Secret to Greater Productivity: Fail Better

Learning how to “fail better” can be key to unlocking greater productivity. Read on to learn how to up your failure game.

Cash Clash — Resolving Money Conflicts in Your Relationship

Money can be a top causes of stress and conflict in relationships. But by learning to communicate effectively about finances and adopting some simple strategies, couples can work together to build a healthy and stable financial future.

It Turns Out Trees Need Friends Too

Did you know that many trees in a forest are actually connected underground and that they can share information and even help each other survive? They do this through what are called mycelial networks — a subterranean superhighway of sorts, often referred to as “the wood-wide web.”

Relationships, Health, Work, Money: Achieving Life Balance

There’s a reason why we use the expression “sort things out” to describe the first step in solving a problem. Learn how to sort out all the different parts of your life so you can divide and conquer.

Morning Blend: Cook Up a Custom Productivity Morning Routine From These 50 Ingredients

Here are 5 morning routine recipes, organized by goal area. So whether you’re looking to improve your health, your relationship, your finances, or just be happier — you can use these ingredients to mix and match to concoct your perfect morning blend.

Hack Your Routines to Health, Happiness and Financial Wellness

Your routines — what you do every day and week — can make or break your productivity. Learn how to use the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, how’s and why’s of routines to make yours as effective as possible.

What’s Your Ikigai?

Do you know what your ikigai is? If you don’t, maybe you should try to figure it out. Some research suggests that it could not only make you happier — but add years to your life too.

Scared Straight — The Power of Negative Thinking

You’ve written down affirmations, set goals, and created vision boards to shape your future. But what if the path to making your dreams come true started with an exploration of your worst nightmares.

Unburden Your Brain With Recurring Reminders

Is this what you’d find if you could look under the hood inside your mind? If so, it’s probably time to do a little cerebral decluttering to free up some mental space for what matters most.