Happy Now! Celebrate Your Journey to Today

As the clock ushers in 2024, it’s tempting to dive right into an ambitious string of self-improvement projects. Whether it’s climbing the career ladder, increasing your savings, paying down debt, mastering the art of time management or making strides on health improvement, many of us look to hit the ground running just after the ball drops. But instead of buckling down right away, it’s important to stop, take a breath and have a look around. Pause and pivot your focus from the pursuit of productivity to the pursuit of happiness — and reflect with gratitude on your journey to now.

Particularly at this time of year, we can find ourselves immersed in lists of to-dos and audacious goals, eyeing the horizon for achievements yet to come, while keenly aware of a long list of our personal flaws that need fixing. But in this adrenaline-fueled self-improvement rush, the growth and achievements we’ve already experienced can blur into the background. So as you stand on the precipice of a new year brimming with fresh starts in all areas of your life, celebrate your arrival to today.

Reflect on challenges you’ve overcome — perhaps in your health, at work,

 or your personal finances. Recognize that every step, stumble and “failure” has sculpted you, offering valuable life lessons, etching resilience and hopefully inspiring appreciation for simply making it to the other side. It’s these moments of challenge that shape you into a better parent, friend and human being and can create more happiness in your life.

You’re no doubt well aware that not everyone is lucky enough to get to today — for them, there are no more “nows” to enjoy. And they’d surely welcome the opportunity to come back, if just to deal with whatever problems you’re currently facing.

So begin 2024 being thankful for the extra pounds, cluttered closets or bloated credit card balance you “get” to work on in the months ahead. Fill your  heart with gratitude for the life path, with all its twists and turns along the way, that has brought you safely to today.

Wishing you a Happy New Year — and most especially a Happy Now!